• We put our customers and quality in the first place, we provide customers.We put our customers and quality in the first place, we provide customers.


    Urang nempatkeun konsumén urang jeung kualitas di tempat munggaran, kami nyadiakeun konsumén.
  • We are a professional manufacturer. Have 10 years of sales and technical experienceWe are a professional manufacturer. Have 10 years of sales and technical experience


    Kami produsén profésional.Boga 10 taun penjualan sareng pangalaman téknis
  • We have established agents around the world partner system.We have established agents around the world partner system.


    Kami geus ngadegkeun agén sabudeureun sistem mitra dunya.
  • We established an excellent team, who are skilled and experienced in machine.We established an excellent team, who are skilled and experienced in machine.


    Urang ngadegkeun hiji tim unggulan, anu terampil sarta ngalaman dina mesin.


  • Hydraulic butt
  • Automatic pipe

Perusahaan alat las Lechuang mangrupikeun salah sahiji pabrik profésional munggaran di Cina anu diajar, ngembangkeun sareng ngahasilkeun alat-alat pikeun sambungan pipa termoplastik. Saatos langkung ti sapuluh taun pangwangunan, produk anu dikembangkeun ku perusahaan ayeuna kalebet sajumlah lengkep las butt-fusion. mesin las butt-fusion pikeun fittings pipe, sela ngawangun mesin las sarta pipa plastik alat motong pikeun pipa 1600mm tur handap, sarta sagala rupa parabot bantu husus dipaké dina konstruksi anu rupa-rupa runtuyan jeung jenis.